This morning we did the community cleanup. Finally! My Mom's been talking about it for at least a week. Now she's talking about the Tayla or at least what we'll do there. Anyways, the community cleanup went muy muy bien (very, very, very well). The entire place looks cleaner! I got bitten by at least 10 bugs, so I had to quit, unfortunately. At lunch we had noodles. They were so good, I had 3 helpings! We later found out they cooked the noodles in chicken broth (hint, hint, church cooks). The kindergarten was the best behaved bible group we ever had! Everything went smoothly. Some of the things we did were sing and sign Jesus Loves Me, read a couple of books, and even a puppet show! There were about 30 kids there and a couple of parents too. The teacher was very appreciative, and the bathroom we started on Monday, the community construction workers have almost finished - amazing.
Good night,
Bo Lenhardt :-)
Que bueno, Bo! How fortunate you are to have been able to have this experience with your Mom. I feel sure these are memories that you will keep with you for the rest of your life.
Have fun in Tela--we will look forward to hearing about San Jose as seen through your eyes!
You're mom put off cleaning? No way.
You sound great Bo - glad to hear you like the food too. Can't wait to hear more when you return.
Love to all
Bo, I think it's a great idea to send HINT TO THE CHURCH COOKS ABOUT THE NOODLES COOKED IN CHICKEN BROTH!!!! (I was sending another hint to help you out!) haha
You seem to really be enjoying yourself, and I think that's wonderful. Keep up the great work, we're all really proud of you, and everyone else there!!!!!
Oh no! Bugs!!! I was so worried there would be humongous bugs! Fortunately, we only saw a couple of big ones. But the little ones can be very pesky. Hope your bites heal up quickly.
Adios for now!
This is your sister, Allison. I guess you really really really really really really loved the noodles and I guess you liked the noodles so much you would add another "really" to my sentence!!!!!!!!!!
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