Hola Family and Church Family and Friends!!
Rain Rain Go Away!!! It has rained every day we have been here and Thank God!! The only way we could get clean was to shower in the rain. Since the water at the Clinic was not working we had to improvise someway. Today all of our prayers were answered, it did not rain and the water was working. Madardo (not sure of the spelling) was the miracle worker for getting the Clinic water working!
Enough about the Water but of course, that is what our mission is about "Sweet Water". Let me get on to how our day went today. A crew of us worked at the kindergarten getting the ground dug and preparing it for a bathroom addition to the Kdg building. The remainder of the crew went to visit the school and make all the arrangements for our education part of the trip, teaching the students about cleanliness and clean water. It was a very busy morning and by lunch time we were all HOT and exhausted!! We had more work to do though after lunch. All but Hurst, John, Sam, Gus and Airon made our way up "Heart Attack" hill to the community center. There Carole, Mike and Josie presented a fairth service and participation to the adults of the community. We were very happy to have a turnout of 40. Actually, we praised God for the turnout. They are such polite and caring people and take their faith seriously. We gave them all bibles to take home. They really love getting the bibles. To end the program we sang their favorite song, "Alabare" It was great to see the Joy on their faces, while they sang.
While we were at the Community Center, "The Guys" worked with the contractor, Felix, on the kindergarten bulding. In all ways, it was a very busy and gratifying day. I thank God that I have this opportunity to "Pay Forward". If you read the Upper Room Meditation for June, you will know what I am talking about.
To all that went on the Mission Trip 2 years ago, the Community Center has not cooled off!!!! , MACANUDO 2007 Team!!!
To all families and friends, God Bless you and we all send our love.
P.S. Kuriger Family, at least I do not have to see the kitchen for 10 days and I know you tried your best!! Love ya Always, Mom AKA Gram.
More reminders of all that we take for granted, including daily showers and indoor plumbing!
Thanks for being so faithful with your posts. They give all of us back here a better sense of what it's like to actually be there--and it sounds like you have accomplished much already.
Keeping you and the people of San Jose in my prayers.
Thank you for all that you are doing and for the reminder of all the things we take for granted on a regular basis.
Love and God Bless,
Ha ha! Community Oven is more like it!
I had forgotten about the song Alabare! It was so much fun to be able to sing with them.
Enjoy your cold, cold, cold showers!
I so knew the kitchen was on your mind, and I know its going to be until get it clean up the proper "Funky" way!!!!!
I remember heart attack hill!!! I also remember pigs on it, and falling down it.....
Keep up the good work, I'm rooting and praying for you!!!!!!!
Gram- I LOVE YOU....and remember what you always tell me, "JOY!"
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