Tuesday, December 21, 2010

God works in mysterious ways...

I am so amazed at how God works in my life. This is truly incredible. I'm looking on Craig's list for an item for Christmas and I end up talking to a guy that is also a methodist from the Southside that works in the town next to where I live. He plays guitar and it ends up he has 20 guitars that he purchased for a school that didn't end up needing them and after I tell him about the mission, he says - Can you take a couple of these down with you? Awesome, just awesome. Just so happens we have three guitar players on the team this year. What a blessing. Praise God. Merry Christmas Everyone and here's to an incredible New YEAR! If you are in the area and can make it, save the date of February 11th - we are having a Fashion Show FUNdraiser - it's going to be great.