Today my daughter, Genevieve, and I are in charge of sharing the news of our Honduras mission activities. Yesterday, Monday, several of us took the long, rocky road to the school - just a short distance past the center of the village. We were greeted by the principal - Melida Argentina Lopez - a gracious, dedicated woman who has been in charge of this school of 380 students - grades 1-9 - since 2005. We arrived during recess, and there were students running and playing everywhere in their navy blue and white uniforms. We discussed how best to set up our educational activities - all focused on the importance of keeping clean and drinking clean water. We plan to practice handwashing, demonstrate how germs can be spread, and talk about the good and bad practices that affect water quality. We'll also be setting up microscopes - some with prepared slides and others for observing known objects from their everyday life. Andrea worked out the details of painting a wall mural with some of the students, depicting the plants and animals of a rain forest. The principal could not have been more accommodating, even going so far as to give us a set of keys to the school grounds and to her office, so we can set up in advance and keep donated supplies and equipment in her office. As we walked amongst the students, all of whom were friendly and polite, we recognized many of the children who join us for fun and games at the Clinic. There is something so special about that spark of recognition and the big smiles after just a few days here. On our return, we stopped to see the progress of the new bathrooms at the kindergarten building. The teacher came out to ask if there were any way we could come to visit her students. This morning is our only free time, and she rearranged her entire schedule to make this possible. We'll read stories and do our handwashing demonstration, leaving her lesson plans and soaps for the students.
Today is also the day for painting the walls and columns of the Clinic, but as I write I can hardly hear myself think as the rain drums like thunder on the roof. This is the rainy season, so important for the growth of their crops. They dealt with a draught in May - hard to even imagine - that set back the plant growth. I am certain that draught is over now! The Honduran people that we have met - both children and adults - have a way of making us feel so welcome. There are no doubt many reasons for their kindness and friendliness, but after observing them at their Church services and at our adult bible study yesterday, I would say they are truly filled with faith and are living out their faith in their treatment of us and in their treatment of each other. It is very impressive, especially in light of the difficulties of everyday life here. It makes me want to re-examine not only my way of life, but the depth of my own faith. God bless you all and keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
P.S. To all of our family - we send our love. You seem so far away, and yet still so close.
Diane and Genevieve - glad you are having such a good experience! Don't you feel a little bit like rock stars around those kids? I'm sure the school lessons will accomplish a lot. Have a wonderful day!
you are making an impact on their lives in a positive and healthful way - thank you for your efforts.
Great work. Joel and Renee had a baby girl "Evelyn" It was not an easy birth-Renee is fine now. Love from the Burg
It sounds like you are all accomplishing a lot - and having a fun (albeit wet) time doing it! We miss you and look forward to more stories upon your return. All our love,
Gregory, Ayla, Alexis, and Jackson
I'm very impressed, it seems like things are falling into place, even more so than you hoped for, I'm very happy, and very proud, keep up the good work!!
Todays hug goes to Andrea, Genevieve and Diane! Every one just tackle them like you did my grandmother!!! haha, I'm aware that I don't know you, Genevieve and Diane, but, you're still getting hugs from Iraq!!!
Miss you all!!!!!!!!
Up gram,
Dont worry about the kitchen gram Kara did a really good job with it. lol. You will b happy to know that state finally got all of my paperwork figured out and i was able to schedule my NCLEX! july 15th is the date. I love you!
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