Sunday, June 21, 2009

As I sit here right now, the only word that comes to mind is AMAZING! We have been here since Friday afternoon and all is well with the team. We are safe, eating well and blessed. The faith of our host village, San Jose, is apparent in many ways and denominations. It is truly a blessing to have been called to participate in this mission and we are looking forward to the week ahead. We will be doing some construction on the outdoor toilets at the kindergarten, painting the medical clinic and spreading the Word through bible studies for various age groups. It seems strange to be sending this via blog from such a remote area (solar energy and satellite) but we want you to know that your support of this mission is reaping benefits. I cannot wait to share everything upon our return though I am excited about everything that is yet to happen in the week ahead. The weather has been nice as far as I am has been 80-85 degrees and overcast daily and seems to rain on the mountain nightly. Daylight is 5:30 am and it is dark at 7:00 pm. We have already attended several services and the faith we have observed is incredible...we are learning from the Hondurans, as I anticipated.

God bless and keep us in your prayers,



Anonymous said...

John; glad to hear that you are doing well. It is great to listen to how your group's presence is transforming the lives of that community – especially the children. Let go into the present-moment simplicity of their life.

Take care!
Paul, Michele, Gabbi and Mitch

sandra lane said...

After only a few days; it sounds like you are already a changed man - Alisa told me that's what happens when people make this journey. More importantly, you are helping to change the lives of those in the village- God Bless you and the team.

Unknown said...

Hi, Everyone,
So good to hear about all your experiences so far. Andrea, you must be in your glory with all those kids gathered around to sing fun songs. I just finished my first class on Revelation. It went very well and all are looking forward to next classes. I'm writing this on Pam Mayo's computer. It is amazing that we can keep in touch with this technology. Our prayers are with you as you continue to share faith with the San Jose community. Blessings, Barry

Anonymous said...

I'm noticing some similarites with Iraq and San Jose, the sun is up usually about a half hour early, birds of any and all kinds start sqwaking and yelling at 3am (except the chase you here when you throw at rock at them.ha.I don't suggest trying it, one of these days, I'm going to get caught and it's going to be ugly.)
Yes, you do learn from the Hondurans, keep your heart open, you'll only continue to learn, even when you're back in the states.
Has it rained during the day? I remember being amazed, because it would rain for hours, then 10 minutes later, the dirt would be dry again. It does the same here. Still cool though!
Okay, this hug goes to my grandmother. I just want everybody to run up and bear hug her at once, and that STILL won't even come close to how much I miss her!! Love you!!!!!!!!
As for everyone else, Love you all too, be safe, don't do anything I would do :-)